Friday, 19 October 2012

Google Adsense 请款成功

今天到western union 请款, 终于成功。

因为在注册google的时候,名和姓秩序掉反了,之前到有 western union 的银行拿钱却被拒绝了。后来想到如果去比较多外劳光顾的western union counter, 应该可以吧。果然成功了。

拿到钱顺便带两个宝贝女儿去吃了一顿 pizza hut..

Friday, 5 October 2012

Google Adsense 申请成功

用太太名重新申请的 Google Adsense account 终于成功了,用的是 这一个部落格。之前用 blogger applied a few times also been rejected.

Can start my life of 网赚 again.. haha..

Weird cant type in mandarin suddenly???

Tuesday, 2 October 2012


western union money still havent go to withdraw yet.. reccently quite busy.. new project just start..