Wednesday 7 October 2015


明明说所有坏消息一起来了,形成完美风暴,可偏偏股市连青,这就快回到1700点了. 昨天还有人说要等到低过1000点才近场,我说你要等到几时? 有谁能准确预测股市走势呢?

Sunday 16 February 2014

2013 公绩金派息率

看到了第一天最新博文,立马到公绩金网站,果然 2013 公绩金派息率宣布了,6。35%。。比去年高了0。2%。。。 看到自己的储蓄又增加了,真是高兴,离财务自由又靠近了一步。。 老实说经过这么多年的省吃俭用,虽然现在的薪水还少过6年前,我其实对通膨率那么高是没什么感觉。可能因为要求不高的关系吧! 继续努力,多几年就能财务自由了。。 最近把持有股套了些利,防股市大调整。。。

Monday 9 December 2013


股市又创新高,1841 点了。 Google adsense 广告也回来了,之前因为没有输入认证密码而暂时无法显示。 刚从family trip 归来,原本是到曼谷的,因为局势不稳而临时取消,损失了一些钱,转而在北马转转。。 工作要开始夜工了。。有点懒。。。

Sunday 10 November 2013

老婆和女儿的病还没好,小舅子又遇到了车祸,伤了脸和手,下午动手术,得休养一阵子了。 一整个下午在研究保险,是时候检讨全家人的保单了。。。

Thursday 7 November 2013

That's it.

Quite some times never update this blog, lazy and office PC can't type Chinese character, don't know why.

share market still the same, stood at all time high, don't have cheap share to buy.. seeing good share price all gone up high like hell, don't have the courage to buy in.

Recently go nothing worth to record.. except Yee and Yin scored 1st and 2nd in the final exam, Yee even awarded model student price..i think their mother must be happier than them.

That's it.